Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten things on Tuesday: The whiny edition

1. We had a 4 day weekend...and now it is over. I am so saddened by this, because I wanted to relax and be lazy and wallow in my shallow, self-indulgent laziness. Instead, the weekend was another crazy, busy, running-here-and-there-in-a-life-of-bedlam-kind-of-a-weekend. The kind of weekend that is not so relaxing.

2. It was bedlam around here for several reasons. First, we have decided to list our house again in a few weeks - so we are trying to restore order where chaos has reigned supreme for several months. As you might imagine, I am simply overjoyed at the prospect of venturing into "no man's land", otherwise known as The Boy's bedroom, and trying to wade through the toxic teenage waste that is currently inhabiting his bedroom. Simply, freaking, overjoyed.

3. Also, The Cousin came back for another 24 hour visit before returning to the arctic wilderness that he calls home. He and The Princess tried to set up a telescope...

And he and The Boy went fishing...

4. And also The Girlfriend came over for a while...

5. While all this was going on, Mr. Wonderful was still hauling cement bags to fix the bulkhead by the creek and I was cleaning out closets and trying to sanitize the house...while trying to chaperone, take care of my poor mostly-bedridden mom, figure out the kid's summer schedules and order pizza at the same time!

6. In addition, I was perusing the internet in search of good deals on bathroom faucets and a new shower curtain for The Princess' bathroom.

7. I finally gave up on accomplishing anything substantial over the weekend and just tried to remain sane...the family watched Anchorman together Sunday night and The Boy got a haircut. I had a glass of wine.

8. Then yesterday, when I was in the middle of scrubbing and sanitizing our tile floors and purging closets of the detritus of my crazy family, we had some unexpected visitors which threw my carefully planned little day all out of whack! The Princess missed ballet (again), my grout is still grungy, my closets are still chaotic and the clock is ticking.

9. So today I am DETERMINED to make some progress. I. Am. Determined. 

10. I WILL find affordable bathroom faucets. I WILL finish cleaning out at least one closet. I WILL finish cleaning my kitchen floors. I WILL buy some flowers to celebrate the fact that it is finally, finally springtime!

However, I WILL NOT tackle The Boy's bedroom today. I'm just not feeling that strong today. As Scarlett would say, tomorrow is another day!

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