Monday, July 30, 2012

Getaway with the Girls

The girls and I took off for a few days at the beach last week. We wanted to show Roxane the Gulf of Mexico while she was here. We had a lovely and relaxing few days, although I have to admit that I am thoroughly tired of driving. I've done way too much driving this summer!

We floated in the delightful 85 degree surf, soaked up the sun, and built sandcastles (one is never too old for that!)

We enjoyed the wildlife, ate delicious food, watched the Olympics, and enjoyed sunset on the beach.

(The girls are looking at the lady behind them...who was walking on the beach in her Hello Kitty pajamas!)

It was a delightful few days and we thoroughly enjoyed our get-away. Today, back home, it is stormy and gloomy, so we are taking a day off and doing absolutely nothing. It's our final week with Roxane and the countdown is on for school to start back in a couple of weeks - so we're trying to pack as much into these last few days of summer as possible!

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