Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm back, I think!

Thank you all for the great tips on how to work around being unable to
post photos on the blog. I plan on trying all of your suggestions and am
still looking into switching to Wordpress or Typepad as well. 
I just need for things to slow down here a bit so I can spend a day on
 the computer trying things out!

We are still working on our projects. The new carpet is installed in the 
kid's rooms and I am slowly putting things away and hanging pictures 
on the walls, etc. Slowly because I am going through EVERYTHING 
with a fine tooth comb and a lot of stuff is being thrown away or donated. 
I cannot believe the amount of "stuff" those two kids have managed to 
accumulate. It's disgusting.

Also, I've been distracted by getting Christmas decorations up. And by 
wrapping gifts and getting Christmas cards addressed and packages 
ready to be mailed. You know how it hopefully we'll manage to 
get those rooms completed soon and then I'll get to start painting our 

We're still picking lemons and I'm still making lemon marinades and 
lemon vinaigrettes and so on and so forth. We're kinda like Bubba 
Gump, except with lemons instead of shrimp!

I also wanted to share a bit of sad news with you. Two days before Thanksgiving we had to say goodbye to our sweet kitty, Roxy. We rescued her when she was about 2 years old and had had her for almost 14 years. She was our own Grizzabella and the sweetest cat ever. In her heyday, she was constantly gifting us with dead snakes, mice, rats, and moles. She definitely earned her keep!

We miss her a lot.

And finally, here is The Boy's senior picture...

I am in complete denial that my little boy will be graduating in about 6 months.
This. Is. Killing. Me.



Right now I am fighting a migraine and we have roofers up on our roof pounding away as they repair a bad spot on the roof. You can imagine what fun that is. My head in pounding away in synchronization with the pounding on the roof. So, because I can't think straight and because I don't have anything else to say and am probably repeating myself, I am signing off.

Now that I've finally, hopefully, figured out a short term solution to the blog problem, I hope to be posting more often...

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