Monday, February 13, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday: Chili, Jabba, and Memories of Friday the 13th

How can it be Monday, already? It seems like it was just Friday and I was all excited about it being the weekend. Weekends go by much too quickly!

It was a nice weekend, though. We didn't do anything very exciting. We all slept late which was indulgent and delightful. The Princess had rehearsal for Giselle. The kids went to youth group. We visited with my mom. The Princess played around doing front and back walkovers in the yard.

Those of you who have young children, I'm sorry to tell you that the  "Mommy, look at me!" stage never ends.

At least thus far. I still have high hopes for the future.


I amused myself by taking photos of Jack, our cat, lying around impersonating a famous character from the movies...

And then I further amused myself by sharing the photos I took with the family...

Truly, sometimes I amaze myself with my powers of observation and my incredible wit.

Sadly, my family wasn't as impressed with me as I was. They think I need a hobby. Or to get a life. Or something.



You may remember that I keep commenting on how warm it has been this winter and how everything has been blooming here - the redbuds and azaleas - and there has been pollen coating my car...

A cold front blew through here over the weekend. We had temperatures well below freezing. The weather forecasters kept changing the forecast for the temperatures and I was in denial that it could or would actually get that cold. As a result, we didn't bring all the plants in from outside and so I think I killed all the pool plants. Boo.

But the cold temps were a great excuse for a big pot of chili!

I recruited a sous chef...

And we made a big ol' pot of chili. I saw a recipe on Pinterest which used corn in the chili and so I decided to dump a can in there along with all the beans. It was good - and I liked the little burst of color it provided.


Twenty-two years ago today, Mr. Wonderful and I were married. It was Friday the 13th and it was a snowy, blustery day in Boulder, Colorado. Happy Anniversary, Mr. Wonderful!!


"Going somewhere, Solo?"

(Hee Hee!!)

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