* I walked into the kitchen to find my sweet, darling children....having a "dance off".....!!!
* Tim has been working a lot....the price we pay for him having so much time off last month!
* Clay has had a "spring cold"......
* The kids had a 4 day weekend for the Easter holiday, and we absolutely, totally enjoyed doing NOTHING this weekend!
* Even though neither of the children believes in the Easter bunny anymore, the awesome furry bunny STILL came to house and left fabulous baskets for the kids!
* I had a get-together with a friend of some of my friends.....ever since we moved here I have been hearing how I should have known Holly...we would have gotten along so well, etc. We became friends on facebook, and had a quick little meeting over Easter weekend. She has three beautiful daughters and a 7 month old Goldendoodle. Gracie and her dog, Ginger, had a ball playing and they both slept very well that evening! It was so nice to FINALLY meet Holly!
Clay and Paige giving Gracie a bath after her playdate....she began to smell a bit, er, "ripe"....you know, that lovely sweaty dog smell.