I'm sure by now everyone is getting a bit tired of my "rain" photos. Well, guess what? After almost a week of this - I'm getting a little sick of it too! And yet, here we are with MORE RAIN! Good grief - we're going to float away soon! Thank goodness, yesterday was overcast and while we had a few, brief showers....the water level in the lake receded almost 2 feet.....oh well.....here we go again.....
The other picture is of a baby snapping turtle Clay found in the yard right before it began raining again. He brought it into the house and said, "Look, Mom - isn't he cute? Can I keep him?" Amazingly, I didn't even need to think about it before snapping out, "
NO!!!"....so then he asked if I would take a picture of the cute little guy (this said with a sad, melancholy expression because I am so mean....). I said, (in a chipper, cheerful tone of voice), "sure, I'll take a
picture of him!"....then Clay asks if he can set him on MY KITCHEN COUNTER to take the photo....at which point my cheerful attitude vanishes in a flash as I irritably snap once again, "
NO!!" I took the photo, and then ordered my sweet son to dispose of the nasty critter in the lake immediately. One hopes that he DID actually dispose of the thing in the lake, and that I will not come across it in....oh, his closet, or his bathroom, or....God forbid - MY bathroom!! Hmmm....I think I will go check on that......