I'm feeling quite proud of myself today. The kids were gone yesterday morning taking the SAT exam and I accomplished a lot. A really, whole-lotta-lot.
My butt barely left the chair in front of the computer all morning but I managed to finish up (almost all) the Christmas shopping. I did research on a few other things and I also got a screaming good deal on a rental car for the holidays by using the "name your own price" feature at Priceline. I put in an extremely low price thinking that I could slowly raise it. And a rental car company accepted it! In about 30 seconds! Yay me!
I also, finally, finished folding the humongous piles of laundry which have been reproducing like mad while my back was turned. I totally kicked the laundry's butt yesterday. Of course, while I was subduing the horrible beast that was my laundry pile, another horrible beast of dirty clothes was accumulating in the kid's rooms. But I don't want to think about that today. I'll think about it tomorrow...
I've also been busily working on some other projects, which I can't talk about on the blog because certain people who may possibly be the recipient of said projects might read this. But I've made a lot of progress.
I've been making lists and checking things off the lists. It's a good feeling. I'm feeling just slightly smug about all I managed to accomplish yesterday. Of course, there is still a ton of stuff to be done in the next two weeks. But I don't want to think about either. I'll think about it tomorrow...
Another Re-Read: Roots
2 days ago