Friday, January 20, 2012

The one about multi-tasking, allergies, hot husbands and a happy mama.

It has been a busy week. The Princess has been busy studying for the last of her midterm exams and writing critiques of a dance performance whilst attending dance classes and learning new choreography for an upcoming performance. This resulted in a bit of multi-tasking...

The Boy was constantly online doing research for a debate...
His team won!


In case you've been wondering what amuses a car full of high school freshmen, I thought I'd enlighten you. A man wearing a ketchup costume or dressed up like a clown by the side of the road waving a sign? Amusing. Passing a pub named the Barking Spider? Amusing. And this car's license plate? Amusing.
I realize that the picture is fuzzy and that you cannot read the license plate. Blame The Princess. It reads "FXY MAMA" and once the carpool kids spotted it they giggled. A lot.

And if you've been wondering what makes this mama happy...
It's this. A man who cooks dinner.

This makes Mama VERY happy indeed.


Lucy went to the vet this week, where we discovered that she (a) has a very bad ear infection in both ears and (b) that she is most likely allergic to the expensive dog food we've been buying her which has resulted in her constantly scratching and licking herself annoyingly and is probably the cause of the ear (yeast) infections and her smelliness as well. Now she in taking antibiotics and we have to find another even more expensive dog food for her. We also have to put drops in her ears twice a day - which is neither fun nor easy, since her ears hurt and she whips her head from side to side whenever we attempt it. 

Jack has been beside himself over poor Lucy's problems...


And finally, I spied this page torn out of a magazine pinned up on the refrigerator door...

Let's take a closer look...

Do you see it?

Someone (who shall remain nameless, but whose initials are M. W.) saw this article in a magazine about the hottest husbands in America. And someone printed out a photo of himself and glued it to the article. And then someone pinned it up on the refrigerator so that we all may enjoy his amusement. And his, err...hotness.

You know what? A husband who cooks dinner and wakes up early to take his daughter to meet her carpool so that his wife can sleep in and who makes his wife laugh - all the time, every day? That IS pretty hot!

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