Monday, August 31, 2009

Yes, it is another sunrise picture....if I have to get up at the crack of dawn, at least I get to see the gorgeous sunrises!! No critters out there today though...

We are beginning the second week of school. Hopefully, it will go as smoothly as last week did! Clay was really good about getting himself up and being ready to go by 6:30...and about coming home and starting on his homework right away. Another difference from the private school: at St. John's they rarely had homework on the weekends, and that was usually just Math problems. This past weekend Clay had Math, and and English assignment on the Holocaust which he had to complete online - and it took him about 2 1/2 hours to finish! He also had to work on a weekly assignment for his Finance class.

Paige didn't really have any work last week. They spent the entire week giving out locker assignments, buying PE uniforms, and going over policies and procedures. No wonder she is a year ahead in most subjects!! She was bored to tears. She is used to hitting the ground running the first day of school and coming home on the first day with at least an hour of homework! Hopefully, they will get going with academics this week! Tonight is the open house at her school, and Tim and I are anxious to see what the teachers have to say and what she will be studying this year. In other Paige news - she had a bracket come off (braces) and so we need to get her in to the orthodontist sometime today to get that fixed. They DID tell her not to chew ice...she said she forgot. Let's hope she remembers from now on!!
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