Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here comes the sun, and I say it's all right

The other day I felt grouchy and gloomy. I was tired of cold, rainy weather and gray skies. I was tired of having to say the same old things to my children over and over and over again. I was annoyed with myself for trying to help people whom I know are users with an air of entitlement. I felt such sympathy for my poor mom who is sad about having to rehome her puppies, is homesick, and still in a lot of pain. I was fed up with dustballs and pet hair and laundry. 

In short, I was a grouch.

But...yesterday the sun chased the obnoxious gray clouds away and it was an absolutely glorious day. We had a wonderful meal last night of linguine with shrimp. I went to bed early and slept peacefully all night long. And then I awoke this morning to a sunrise which God must have designed to chase the blues away.

It is a beautiful day.
The world is filled with possibilities...

Today I resolve to ignore the dust - it will still be there tomorrow and I will deal with it then. I resolve not to nag my son about homework and studying today - it does no good anyway! Today I am determined to enjoy my family and my life without worrying about money or the future.

It is a beautiful day...and life is good.

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