Spring break, and our lovely little vacation, is over - and now it is back to reality. Ugh. Let's just say that is was HARD getting up and getting going this morning! Yesterday we cleaned out Clay's room (quite a task in itself!!) and dismantled his cheap-o trundle bed (actually, Clay took a saw and cut it up and had a blast doing it!) and then put new/old (antique) twin beds in his room and re-arranged it. It looks really nice, and I think he will certainly sleep much better now! Maybe he will like his "new" room so much that he will actually keep it clean without me constantly nagging him....ha ha ha ha ha!!! :)
Even though I had a difficult time getting going this morning, I have already run two loads of laundry, vacuumed the house, organized all the bookshelves, and dusted. After a quick shower, I am going to run to Whole Foods and Target, then come home and finish with the cleaning - it must be this brisk spring air....I am very motivated to do some spring cleaning!! Also on the agenda - MORE school crap..er, stuff. Taking transcripts to the middle school and trying to arrange testing for the gifted program for Paige, making sure teacher recommendations are in at Fleming Island High School, getting the course selection books for both high schools...and then waiting to see what happens. Aarrgh. I can't wait for this to be over and to know where Clay will be next year. I can deal with anything - I just hate this uncertainty.
Book Review: You Were Gone by Tim Weaver
2 weeks ago