I haven't written anything since Wednesday morning, so I'll try to do a quick re-cap of the past few days....Wednesday we had conferences up at the school. Paige's went well...her teachers all love her and raved about how organized and prepared she always is, etc. etc. yadda yadda yadda. Clay's....well, let's just say that the word "underachiever" was mentioned. His teachers are concerned because he is so smart and has such potential, etc. Again...yadda yadda yadda. It's the same ol', same ol'.......The teachers did all say that this is very typical of 8th grade boys....still.....
Anyway, after conferences we picked Clay up and went to visit Orange Park High School. I was apprehensive because...well, when you drive past the school, as they say in real estate circles - "it doesn't have curb appeal"!!! I was very impressed with the guidance counselor we spoke to, and while the school is kinda dirty and um...worn around the edges....I think if Clay can get into the honors classes (and if Clay will DO THE WORK in the honors classes!!) that he will do well. I just don't know what else Tim and I can do to motivate him - it needs to come from him.
Yesterday Tim took the boat in for it's annual tune up and check before summer. After picking him up and bringing him home I went to Target for all the stuff we seem to run out of all at once - batteries, toilet paper, deodorant, laundry detergent, and so forth and so on! I also finally got Clay registered for the Taekwondo competition next month....still need to make reservations at a hotel though....
Today I made a run up to Costco for more stuff (where does it all go???) and Tim has been busy pressure washing....we also had to pick Clay up at the school around 11:30 - he called to say his stomach hurt and he felt dizzy. He has been sleeping all afternoon. This is going to sound terrible and make me sound like the worst mom in the world - but I hope he really is sick, and wasn't avoiding his History and English tests.....I guess time will tell.....
This evening Paige has ballet, Clay has Taekwondo in the mornng (if he is feeling better...), he has to review a movie for Drama, and Sunday the kids both acolyte in church and Sunday afternoon is the soccer awards banquet for the school. BUT - the week after next is spring break! Hooray - all I want to do is sleep!!
Book Review: You Were Gone by Tim Weaver
2 weeks ago