I spoke to both children briefly yesterday and here is what they did:
* Clay slept until 11:45 (!!!) and breakfast was a baguette with peanut butter and honey, and tea.
* They played computer games, played futball, and swam.
* Paige and Louise made a chocolate cake.
* Lunch was pizza, melon, and salami. Clay LOVES the salami in France. He said, "I wish we could get that in the U.S., Mom....it is just so handy to have around!"
* Dinner was couscous, salad, watermelon, bread and the chocolate cake the girls made for dessert.
Clay thought that they were going to go into Tournon today and shop....
My day hasn't started very auspiciously. The stupid dog pooped in her crate....so I had to deal with that stinky, smelly mess even before coffee. That's just not right. Speaking of just not right - this pooping in the crate stuff is just not right. I mean, c'mon....she is almost 8 months old! Warning: My patience is wearing VERY thin with this dog. I'm just saying.....
Anyway, now I am washing the gray outta my hair, and then I will ba back online trying to find cheaper rail tickets between Bruges and Paris for next week. Tim and I are going to try to fly into Brussels and take the train to Bruges for a couple of days, then (hopefully) the train into Charles de Gaulle to meet the kids Friday night before flying home with them the next day. So far, the best fare I have found is on RailEurope for $264 for both of us - which seems a bit pricey to me so I am going to keep looking.....
Book Review: You Were Gone by Tim Weaver
2 weeks ago