Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the shuttle launch because it was cancelled! Again. Boo.
When I was at Publix the other day, I picked up a box of brownie mix....I thought I'd let the kids make brownies. Last night I asked Paige if they wanted to make brownies and I pulled the box out. Simon was appalled. They don't have boxes of brownie, cake, cookie, pizza dough, etc. mixes in France. He asked me why I couldn't just mix the stuff up myself, and I didn't really have an answer - I just stumbled around with something like, "this is just so easy"....and he gave one of those gallic shrugs and said, "Yes, Americans like easy and fast". So now I feel like the pressure is on for me to PROVE that Americans (at least THESE Americans) aren't really like that. Guess I will be cooking and baking the next two weeks and not taking shortcuts. No frozen pizza, bake and break cookies, etc. for me. Ugh. Help!!