Nothing very exciting has been going on - I did make chicken florentine lasagna the other night, and then (homemade) lemon ricotta cookies - which were delicious....but then I was pretty much "all cooked out" for a bit, so yesterday lunch consisted of the few leftovers in the fridge and dinner was a Costco pizza! I spent yesterday running errands - makeup at Sephora, a birthday gift for Simon (his birthday is tomorrow), and Costco. Tim took the kids tubing while I was running errands.
As I mentioned, Simon's birthday is tomorrow. I don't know what we will do - possibly a movie or putt putt golf....or bowling....or something!!
This morning we have the BugOut guy coming to spray - we've seen a couple of roaches in the house since we had all that rain...and I DO NOT like roaches!! I need to check the weather channel and see what the forecast is - I'd like to take the kids to the beach soon. They are all leaving for France in one week! Yikes. I am excited, and dreading my kids being gone at the same time. I cannot wait for a bit of time to myself - yet I know I am going to miss them dreadfully!!
Another Re-Read: Roots
2 days ago