Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh, the drama!!!....................

...that comes with having TWO teenagers in the of whom is a teenage girl(OK, OK, she is not officially a teenager until September - but she has the attitude down). Paige started tennis camp today....she seemed excited about it, until we arrived and I was signing her in. She stood there in a full blown teenage sulk - arms crossed across her chest, lips pouting, glaring at me...finally I asked her what was wrong, and she answered in a decidedly non-respectful tone of voice, "I don't know anyone"....Good grief. I left (who wants to stay and be around that?!) and by the time I returned she was all smiles. Guess what? She met a friend. Go figure. Hmmmm......anyway, she was tired, but she had a blast and is really looking forward to tomorrow....
When we got home we went out in the boat - first stop was our local fish camp to put gas in the boat. Fun, fun, fun....
At this point in the day our sweet little daughter was all smiles and happiness...but give her time....
I mentioned in an earlier post that Clay has been DETERMINED to slalom ski with a deep water start...he has been struggling, but today he got up.....
and STAYED UP!! Woo Hooo!! Click on the photo above for a close up look at his exuberant grin as he realized that he was doing it!

It has been seriously, seriously hot here - the pool is like bathwater....after our boat ride, we came home and swam for a bit....and then the arguing started....oh, I went into Mommie Dearest mode (and Tim went into Daddie Dearest mode...)....and they seem to be getting along for now....

Calgon, take me away!!!
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