Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ostriches have the right idea

C had orientation at school today and got his schedule for 10th grade.  I was able to meet most of his teachers and the ones I met all seem enthusiastic and organized - which bodes well, don't you think?  I sure wish I had been able to meet his English and Geometry teachers though!  Here is his schedule for next year:

1.  Honors English 2
2.  Geometry
3.  Advanced Placement World History
4.  Honors Biology
5.  Financial Ops
6.  French 3

He is most excited about his AP World History class, and after meeting his teacher, so am I.  The teacher is young and energetic and I think it will be a fun class for C.  

Other than that, not much else is going on around here.  I have been attempting to hibernate at home (other than the doctor appointments, etc!) and pretend that nothing else is going on in the world, and just do NOTHING.  I have been only semi-successful with this approach (mostly due to the aforementioned doctor appointments and whatnot).  Still, I am determined to hold on and savor every single last minute of summer vacation before being thrown to the, I mean...before being thrown head first into schedules, homework, clothes (the "right" clothes), nagging, driving, alarm clocks, more nagging, projects, sports, activities, and more nagging.

I suppose Monday morning will be soon enough for me to pull my head out of the sand and deal with reality.  At 5:30 AM.


In the meantime, happiness for the kids has been swimming and playing in the pool - in the rain!!  A rare opportunity here in Florida...a brief rain shower without any lightning or thunder.

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