Yesterday was a busy day....lots of running around. Yesterday afternoon was Paige's appointment at Nemours to pick up her brace. Wow. That thing is big! Paige has been handling this all incredibly well - I am so proud of her. They told her to put it on and just keep it on as long as she could, and to try to do it a little bit longer each night. Paige got it on last night (and that is a process in itself, let me tell you!!) and kept it on all night long until 4:00 am....then put it back on about an hour later. Such an overachiever. We go back in a month for more x-rays and to check the fitting but I am very hopeful that we will see positive changes in her curvature. I didn't realize - but the brace bends her back in the opposite direction of her looks very unconfortable!
Clay started training for taekwondo competitors this morning - 8:30 until 10:30. I am sure he will be very sore tomorrow. Master Berry usually has them run 2-3 miles and/or run the bleachers at the high school, LOTS of conditioning! The reason they always do so well in the competitions is because of all this conditioning though. When they spar it is Olympic style rules...they spar someone, and if they win immediately spar someone else, and so on and so they need to have endurance and not get so winded that they can't go on. It is amazing how many of the other teams run out of breath and energy about halfway through a match - and our guys just keep going and energizer bunnies. :)
On today's agenda....I have three big bags of books to take to Chamblin's (the used book store)...and I'm sure I'll bring a few books home with me as well.:) Run to the grocery store, and more cleaning...Tim will be packing for six days away....
Book Review: You Were Gone by Tim Weaver
2 weeks ago