Yesterday was a quiet day for us. Tim arrived home around 6:00 and we had our Hoppin' John, so hopefully 2009 will be filled with good luck! Paige had a rehearsal for Grand Prix this morning and took in a copy of the x-ray of her spine to show her ballet teacher. Her teacher said, "Well that explains why your left hip always wants to go forward..." She showed Paige how much bigger the back muscles on her right side are and showed her some exercises to help strengthen the left side. Afer we got home I decided to do some research online and did a search for "ballet and scoliosis". I wasn' really expecting much and so was very surprised at how much information there is. Many studies have been done on this - apparently up to 25% of girls diagnosed with scoliosis study ballet or rhythmic gymnastics (which Paige did before concentrating on ballet). Paige was very interested in all the information I found...especially the New York City Ballet principal dancer who has learned to compensate in her dancing...
Also today we received the Grand Prix rehearsal schedule - yikes! Although, considering the competition is in three weeks..I guess it isn't so bad! Paige is getting really excited about it - especially about getting to spend so much time with her buddy, Reilly.
Clay has decided he wants to take Drama again next semester...and wants me to look for auditions for him. Hmmm....
The house is still a mess - and I just don't care! I am trying to keep it clean enough that it wouldn't be condemned by the Board of Health and other than that I will deal with everything else after the kids are back at school on Monday! We are all just kind of laying low and resting up before school, taekwondo, soccer, ballet CLASS, etc. starts back up and our lives become a crazy whirlwind again.
I didn't really make any resolutions this year...just "goals" to try to exercise more, be more patient with the kids, and not stress so much about the little things. Wish me luck!
Another Re-Read: Roots
2 days ago