It is a beautiful day here, and the Van Kuiken's don't really have any big plans - Clay will mow the lawn, Paige is cleaning her room and doing a bit of schoolwork, Tim is doing yard work and I will be doing laundry and other exciting stuff like that. Tonight the kids will be going to their grandmother's to help her hand out candy. They feel that they are getting too old to trick or treat. Tim and I will have a nice, mellow evening all alone. We don't get trick or treaters here for some reason - probably because the driveway is so long!
Tomorrow Tim is heading to Paris, and the kids and I will clean the guest cottage for my cousin Jackie, who is coming to visit next week. Then Paige has Nutcracker rehearsal and Clay has youth group at the church...
Last night at dinner, my beautiful, extremely intelligent daughter proved once again that she is a NATURAL blonde! She was telling Clay about our girl's day out and lunch at P.F. Chang's and she said, "I had the honey chicken and...what was it called, Mom? Eye Drop Soup?" Mmmm Hmmm. We all just stared at her. Then this morning she asked Clay if Michigan had a football team. Clay's mouth dropped open in astonishment and he just shook his head in consternation. Ahhh, Paigey. :-))
Another Re-Read: Roots
2 days ago