Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Closet of Doom...

I have a to-do list a mile long today. Because the oak pollen is out in full force, I haven't accomplished much. I've felt lethargic...and itchy. Itchy eyes, itchy nose, itchy throat. 


Supposedly, the house is going on the market the 15th - next Tuesday. Which means that I really can't procrastinate any longer. I need to finish purging closets and painting. I need to hang pictures. And mostly, I *shudder* need to tackle our closet. Which is also a storage closet in the back. It is packed with...stuff. Whenever we don't know where to put something, it ends up in our closet. The Christmas decorations which keep turning up months after all the rest of the stuff is packed away? In the closet. The plastic, plug-in, jack-o-lantern which sat on the table by the pool for months after Halloween? In the closet. The large turkey roaster which we only seem to use once a year? It's in the closet too. My old flight attendant uniforms? Yep, they're in the closet. The dining room set we're not currently using? It's there too. 

This closet is a mess. It's quite large, which is why it is the recipient of the lost and homeless items which are currently residing there. I'm rather afraid to see what other rare and amazing "treasures" are hiding in it.

The point I'm trying to make here is that this is a really, really, really big job which I have been procrastinating doing for days, months, years.

And today's the day.

Which, obviously, is why I am sitting at my laptop writing on my blog rather than facing reality and dealing with the closet of doom. 


Wish me luck......
Some of the stuff which has already been pulled from the Closet of Doom...
Carpet shampooer, rug, dining room chairs and leaves...and beer.

Christmas stuff, comforter, and other miscellaneous stuff...

Along with autumn decorations and empty boxes...

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