Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, baby girl!

14 years ago, my baby girl was born.
She was beautiful, and inquisitive.
She slept through the night at two months old.
She smiled, and gurgled and was always happy...
She made us happy too.
She was silly and happy and babbled and laughed.
As she got older, she became more serious about some things.
and gymnastics...
and chocolate!

But she has always kept her silly, crazy. loving side easily accessible...
Because you just never know when someone will need to smile...
or need a hug...
My little girl has always been willing to try new things...

She is a good student...
who loves to play...

She is beautiful and kind and generous...
She is smart and talented and amazing...

She glows...
I love her smile and her freckles.
I love the sparkle in her eyes.

My baby girl is growing up into a beautiful young lady, and I am so proud of her.

She still makes everyone around her want to smile.
She makes us all incredibly happy.

She is smart, sweet, loving, kind, generous, happy, silly, goofy, imaginative, talented, lovely, effervescent, cheerful, determined, delightful, and amazing.

She is my daughter, and I love her so much.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

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