Friday, September 10, 2010

I know this much is true

I know that when I can't think of anything to blog about, I walk around with my camera taking photos of random things...
I know that my little boy is now driving the big ol' minivan.

I know that this makes me kinda proud and kinda sad.

And completely scared!

Not really.

Well, sorta...

I know that these two lovecats are always together.  Always.  I know that their favorite place to nap is on the treadmill.

At least someone is using it.

I know that when you walk around looking at the world through a camera lens, you notice things... how sad and pathetic your herb garden is looking these days...

...and how many lemons are ripening on the lemon tree...

...and that there is a dead tree on the other side of the fence which could potentially fall on your house if, hypothetically, a hurricane were to come roaring through our neck of the woods...

I should probably bring that to Mr. Wonderful's attention, huh?

...and how the snorkeling gator flag, while perfectly appropriate for summer, should probably be changed now that it is September...

...and how old Miss Roxy, the matriarch of our little 1.4 acre compound, is looking.

She used to be fierce.  She kept the yard cleared of snakes, moles, mice, squirrels, bunnies, and anything else which she deemed a threat to her little kingdom.  She is retired now, though - and she earned it!

...and how pathetic that leaning plant hook is.  When did that happen?  That just looks silly...

...and how Lucy just mopes around the house when the kids aren't here...

She lives for those kids.

When they are gone she sighs, and looks at me with those despondent puppy dog eyes, as if it's MY fault they aren't here. She broods and pouts and languishes away until they arrive home...and then she acts frisky and gives kisses and wags her tail.

She loves those kids.

They love her too.

I know this much is true.

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