US!! Tim and Lisa Van Kuiken. Yup. Oh, we feel so low! We had a fairly quiet, mellow day today, running errands and orthodontist visits, I made a pot of chicken noodle soup for lunch and dinner was yummy grilled ahi tuna. After dinner we decided to have a family movie night and watch Dead Poet's Society. I was excited to have found it at Best Buy because Paige is studying "O Captain, My Captain" and I thought it would be fun for her to see how Robin Williams taught it. I DID remember that part of the movie. I remember the ending too - where Ethan Hawke stands on the desk and says, "O Captain My Captain"...and then one by one all the other boys do as well. (One of THE best movie endings. EVER) Unfortunately, both Tim and I forgot about the part where the boy kills himself. Bad move. Really bad move. Remember that only two months ago friends of theirs were killed by their father who then committed suicide. Sooooo.......poor Clay and Paige were both crying and sobbing inconsolably afterwards. Not about the movie, but about Kevin and Katie. Family movie night turned into Family sob-fest and group hug.
Truly, I feel terrible. Bad Mom and Dad.
Another Re-Read: Roots
2 days ago