Friday, June 11, 2010

Gonna soak up the sun.....

Clay had a few friends over yesterday to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer vacation...
Clay and Connor pick out some tunes

Brooke supervises Clay's grilling technique

Clay grills hotdogs

Tim waits for the kids to clamber aboard

It's a tough life Clay has, isn't it?

"Bye Mom.  You can stop taking pictures now..."

"Nope.  Don't wanna stop.  I'm not done yet."

Getting ready to toss the tube in...

Hmmm.  Maybe appears the tube needed a bit more air...

Trying again...

In the meantime, Lucy found another lizard...

...and Paige and her friends had the pool to themselves!

Then it was their turn to go tubing!

They waved at a helicopter...

...and jumped in the lake

Later that afternoon, after everyone left, we saw...

Hmmm...looks like someone around here will be getting some work done on a dock

See that tiny little speck in the middle of the photo?
That's a gator trolling for shad in the middle of the lake.

Clay doing his favorite activity

Which is really kind of a misnomer, because there is really nothing "active" about it at all.

The boat is resting, the life jackets are drying out...waiting for tomorrow.

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